

Modern alternative to a taxi in Boca Raton

Alternative to a Taxi in Boca Raton: Get Rides and Save Money – inDrive
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Are you planning to call a taxi in Boca Raton? Try inDrive instead!
Hail a ride with inDrive in Boca Raton instead of a taxi! Set your own prices on trips and negotiate with drivers. Visit our site to download our free app!





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Like a taxi in Boca Raton but with fair prices

Taxi fares cause a lot of complaints from passengers. Many residents and visitors to Boca Raton find that they're too overpriced. Their opinion is often absolutely true. Every taxi service strives to earn as muсh money as possible. As a result, their prices include lots of extra surcharges. To avoid paying them, install the inDrive app. When you use our app, your trip prices are always fair!

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Example 3

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How to hail a ride in Boca Raton, FL

Install inDrive
on your mobile device

Our app is available for iOS and Android. It won't take up much space in the memory of your device and will bring you great benefits

Make your offer to drivers

Specify the address where the car should arrive and set the final destination. Then enter the price of your ride and send your offer to the drivers

Choose a driver
and start your journey

Our registered drivers have special ratings which are given by our users. Thanks to this, you can always choose the driver that you like the most

Payment Methods

Pay for your trip by card

Pay for your trip through the Google Pay

Pay for your trip via Apple Pay


What are the best destinations to visit in Boca Raton, FL?

There are many places in Boca Raton that are visited more often than others. First of all, these are local attractions. You can read about the most popular ones below. To get there, send a ride request to inDrive or contact some taxi service that is fully licensed for passenger transportation.
Gumbo Limbo Nature Center
Bonus amount: 100$

This is a coastal Boca Raton preserve with a lot to see. Here you can walk through the butterfly garden and admire native fish in aquariums. This sanctuary also treats turtles and hosts various research projects. In the local gift shop, you can buy various souvenirs.

Sugar Sand Park
Bonus amount: 100$

This is a coastal Boca Raton preserve with a lot to see. Here you can walk through the butterfly garden and admire native fish in aquariums. This sanctuary also treats turtles and hosts various research projects. In the local gift shop, you can buy various souvenirs.

Town Center
Bonus amount: 100$

This is a coastal Boca Raton preserve with a lot to see. Here you can walk through the butterfly garden and admire native fish in aquariums. This sanctuary also treats turtles and hosts various research projects. In the local gift shop, you can buy various souvenirs.


What are the best destinations to visit in Boca Raton, FL?

There are many places in Boca Raton that are visited more often than others. First of all, these are local attractions. You can read about the most popular ones below. To get there, send a ride request to inDrive or contact some taxi service that is fully licensed for passenger transportation.
Gumbo Limbo Nature Center

This is a coastal Boca Raton preserve with a lot to see. Here you can walk through the butterfly garden and admire native fish in aquariums. This sanctuary also treats turtles and hosts various research projects. In the local gift shop, you can buy various souvenirs.

Sugar Sand Park

This park covers over 130 acres and is open to the public year-round. The children of Boca Raton like to visit it. They have a fun time here on a large inclusive playground. It consists of swings, slides, and other structures for outdoor games.

Town Center

More than 220 stores are located in the Town Center. Many of them belong to world famous brands like Apple and Tiffany. Along with stores, there are various restaurants in this location. Both locals and guests of Boca Raton like to eat and relax there.


Boca Raton taxi tips and fees

If you call a taxi to take a long ride, pay your driver 10-15% of the price as a tip. As for short trips, 2 scenarios are possible. You either pay the driver the same 10-15%, or round up the amount to the nearest whole number.

For example, the price of your trip around Boca Raton, FL is $60. This ride most likely lasted quite a long time. The taxi driver's tip should be $6-9. If your trip costs are $9.50, you can pay $10 instead of $11. This amount will be quite enough.

Use inDrive and it will be easier than ever. You can create a ride request in a couple of minutes. Our app has the simplest and most intuitive interface.


Customer says

I use InDrive for my daily commutes to work. The service is impeccable – drivers are always on time, vehicles are spotless, and the rides are smooth. It's truly changed my mornings for the better

Emily Rodriguez

Coral Gables, FL

Booked a ride to a family gathering and was impressed by the affordability and the seamless booking process. The driver navigated through the traffic expertly, ensuring we reached our destination stress-free. Exceptional service!

Michael Johnson

Miami Beach, FL

As an elderly couple, we found our ride with InDrive extremely comfortable. The driver was courteous and went out of his way to ensure our ride was smooth. It's heartening to see such respectful and considerate service

Sofia Martinez

Hialeah, FL


FAQ for inDrive rideshare trips in Boca Raton

How do you get around Boca Raton without a car?

inDrive is the best app for this purpose. Thanks to our IT platform, you get around Boca Raton at fair prices. Plus, you’ll get quickly to the places you need as if you were calling a taxi.

Is it easy to hail a ride in Boca Raton?

Use inDrive and it will be easier than ever. You can create a ride request in a couple of minutes. Our app has the simplest and most intuitive interface.