Challenging injustice to make the world a fairer place for one billion people
- 749cities
- 46countries
- 240million app downloads
inDrive app
One app, many services
City rides
Offer your fare Agree on a fair price directly with a driver
- Passengers
- Drivers
City to City
Comfortable rides to other cities: on your schedule and for a fair fare
- Passengers
- Drivers
Courier delivery
Express courier delivery for individuals and businesses
- Clients
- Couriers
- For business
Freight delivery
Transporting and tracking cargo for people and companies
- Clients
- Drivers
- For business
Connecting clients with verified specialists across dozens of professions.
- Clients
Your safety is our priority
Stay on the safe side with inDrive
We want all of us to be on the same page about safety
And so, we're calling this page our safety pact – a 3‑sided alliance between passengers, drivers and inDrive, with mutual responsibilities for every single ride
Social impact: making a difference
To maximize our positive impact, we created a hub called inVision
Learn more about inVision21
International awards
A program that inspires young people to become change leaders who will build a more sustainable, inclusive and just world
Free undergraduate education for students from all backgrounds.
A prize for women founders of IT startups that have had the most significant developmental impact.
An international prize for the best tech startup founders outside of the big hubs or startup communities
An international project consisting of film awards and training labs aimed at supporting filmmakers from the developing film industries
A non-profit initiative providing free football classes for children in small towns and remote areas
Empowering the running industry to hold accessible and inclusive running events
Right now at inDrive
From underdog to global company
The true history of the technological phenomenon that is inDrive, as told by its CEO